Linux is a well known Operating System, that's traditionally used for web servers, because it has a variety of advantages over other OSs. It is thought to be the most secure Operating system out there and because of the way it works, infected files will simply not work. As Linux is free to use, no license fees will be calculated in the price which you'll have to pay for your hosting service. This, in turn, makes it possible for the provider to customize the Operating system according to what they and their clients require, taking away unnecessary packages to improve the Operating system and the server’s performance. Linux servers usually include the Apache web server software, that processes Internet site access requests. Apache is additionally absolutely free and easy to personalize, not to mention that it is extremely quick and light in terms of the resources it requires. LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) is the software environment which some of the most famous script applications require – WordPress, Moodle, Joomla, etc. The LAMP configuration is the most widely used one worldwide, as it's stable as well as simple to maintain.

Stable Linux with Apache in Cloud Web Hosting

The cloud web hosting accounts which we offer are created on our cutting-edge personalized cloud web hosting platform. Separate clusters of web servers are used to take care of every part of the web hosting service, like email messages, databases and so on. All of our web servers run Linux. The latter has been customized in order to make certain that we can provide a reliable website hosting service without wasting system resources. We use the highly effective Apache web server and we have an entire cluster for it, so that all HTTP requests between visitors and your websites will be dealt with without any delay. You will be able to use a number of languages for your Internet sites – HTML, PHP, JavaScript, Python, Perl, and so forth., and you'll not have to worry about security or reliability issues at any time.