The hardware setup of the web server where you host your websites is rather important and can have an impact on their functionality. Since an Internet site includes also databases, logs, a Control Panel to manage the content, an email service, and many others, you need adequate hardware that will support all of these processes. A unit with a high CPU speed means that your web applications will be executed more speedily, while extra physical memory will permit extra system processes to run at the same time, so the hardware shall have direct impact on how your websites perform and in the event that the server is not powerful enough, they will function slowly or will not work at all. In this light, you should check not just what functions a certain Internet hosting plan comes with, but also whether the hardware shall be good enough to support these functions.

24-core servers, hardware in Cloud Web Hosting

In case you obtain a cloud web hosting account from our firm, you'll be able to take full advantage of an extremely powerful setup that will provide excellent performance of any web application that you decide to host on our end. We have employed an outstanding cloud platform where each aspect of the web hosting service is taken care of by a separate cluster of servers. Every single machine which is part of any of the clusters contains 64 GB RAM which will let you run many different apps, while the speed of your websites shall be guaranteed by powerful 24-core processors and NVMe drives. Every cluster can be enlarged by attaching more machines for even more substantial power, so there isn't any upper limit for the system resources which our customers will be able to employ at a time. Unlike many competitors, we do not run everything on a single machine and we do not save on the hardware at the expense of effectiveness.

24-core servers, hardware in Dedicated Web Hosting

In case you need extra power for your websites and you order one of our dedicated servers, you will get a setup with carefully tested components that can handle a massive load. We offer servers with as many as 12 CPU cores along with 16 GB RAM, so no matter what kind of websites you plan to host, you'll never experience any problems with their performance because you will not share the system resources with anyone else. In case your websites do not need that much power, we have smaller packages too, but the quality of the service will be the same. All machines have Gbit network cards for fast access speeds to any content hosted on them. The 24/7 support team in our US-based datacenter in Chicago, IL will ensure that your server functions at its top capabilities and if any hardware problem appears, they'll replace any part within minutes.